We create art and custom pieces from our own original designs
and to the wishes of our clients. Each piece is a hand crafted
and signed original.
Custom Wood Furniture     Custom Dining Tables
Custom Art Furniture         Custom Desks
Custom Tables                   Custom Book Shelves
Custom Chairs                   Custom Beds
Custom Wood Pedestals for Displaying Sculpture
We use reclaimed and FSC certified products     
to ensure that they come from forests that are
managed to meet the social,economic and
ecological needs of the present and future
All images and designs on this site are copyright of Western Wood Projects. 2003 - 2010
They may not be used or copied without our express written permission .
We deliver and ship all over the United States
For more information email:  alex@westernwoodprojects.com
Buffalo Mountain Custom Furniture
                         ( Western Wood Projects)

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